Big Brands Opt for Trend Identifying Over Predicting the Future
How Easy Is It for Big Brands to Predict the Future?
In a nutshell, it is nigh on impossible, thanks to the rapid changes occurring today that are facilitated primarily by exponential technological growth. However, consultants who specialise in future planning and trend identification suggest that there are practical ways to gain useful insight.
Review Your Marketing Strategy & Incorporate Trend Identification
A great example of a big brand & successful trend identifying. In the USA, Oreo took advantage of the notorious Super Bowl blackout by tweeting funny and related messages that drove customers to their products. The tweets were rapidly retweeted and the company's quick response was hugely successful. How did they do this? They located agency creatives, social-media trackers and marketing executives together so that they could work in real time to deliver, sign off and execute their activities as events unfolded.
Staying Ahead of Trends & Applying New Business Models
One way that you can stay ahead of trends is by identifying what businesses in different industries are doing. Often there are aspects of their model which can be applied to your own industry and marketplace. Look at for a head start on this.
Invent New Services and Products for the Future
Trend identifying will only take you so far and seeking opportunities for commercial growth is vital. Some creative consultancies can help effectively with this by coming up with future developments of market offers themselves, or creating marketing campaigns to revitalise existing product lines.